An award-winning Pixel-Pusher, currently at the Financial Times.

Previous clients and experience include;

BBC, Just Eat Takeaway, Moonfruit, Sky Sports, Guinness, Airdo and Connells.

Since starting in the mid-2000s as a digital creative, I’ve garnered a wealth of experience working within different businesses, and have amassed invaluable knowledge of the end-to-end product lifecycle.

Throughout my career, I’ve led the design of a variety of products, from explorative mobile apps to complex service solutions. Some of these have won various digital awards, such as a BAFTA nomination, Lovies, Webbys and various other international honourees.

My process is conducted in iterative cycles, incorporating feedback early and continuously with end users. The product lifecycle is continuous and serpentine — a perpetuation of analysing data, qualitative research and testing new hypotheses for incremental improvements.

Customer-centricity is always at the core of my design decisions, and I strive to understand motivations, challenges and emotions to create solutions that resonate with users on a deeper level.

I have an insatiable appetite for alleviating real-world user problems, balancing both customer needs and business goals to build usable and returnable products.

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